FreeData2 Applet

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FreeData2 Applet

FreeData2 is a free database applet with which you can add a simple searchable database to your website without any need for server-side scripts. Just upload the applet's .class and .jar files to your server, along with your database definition file (DDF) and you're set to go. The applet supports a database with as many as 3000 records and 50 fields per record. You can also switch the DDF file, which is a simple .txt file, via JavaScript.

Here is an example of FreeData as a contact list: (Search using an 'n' in the Name field to see all 3 contact records.)

Submit your search here e.g: Fazal, in ONE Eye, etc.

You must have a java-enabled browser to view this page.

Download File: Free Data

Database Definition File (DDF)

The applet parses a Database Definition File (DDF) that you create and upload to your web server in the same directory containing the FreeData .class files. The DDF file is a standard text file created with a text editor, such as Notepad or DOS Edit. The default name for the DDF file is database.txt, but you can change this via the FileName applet parameter. As outlined below, if the database you create contains one of the special field names URL: or e-mail:, a link button will be provided either linking to the associated URL or bringing up the client computer's default e-mail program. FreeData will also display an image in the RESULTS pane for matching records if the special field name Image: is found and that applet parameter HasImages is set to "1". The image will act as a hyperlink when clicked upon if a special field named ImageLinkURL: is found. Image:, URL:, E-Mail:, and ImageLinkURL: fields may be hidden if desired.

The DDF file must be formatted as follows:

Field Name 0
Field Name 1
Field Name 2
Field Name 3
Field Name 0 value for record 0
Field Name 1 value for record 0
Field Name 2 value for record 0
Field Name 3 value for record 0
blank line to separate records
Field Name 0 value for record 1
Field Name 1 value for record 1
Field Name 2 value for record 1
Field Name 3 value for record 1

Here is a sample DDF file used in the example above:

phone number:
Fazal Muhammad

John Doe

Jane Doe