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Work on net


Here I will tell you all the difficulties of my life that how I become a educated person. I am a graduated boy and I did that form Karachi University. (Karachi).

I completed my Metric from a well know School of Pak Colony(Karachi) named Crescent Grammar Boys Secondary School, after matriculation I got admission in a Degree College that was near my house I did Intermediate from there and went to another college for higher study. In the year of 2000, I had completed Graduation(B.Com).

Nowadays I am a student of JAVA language and learning it from a part of Operation Badar at DIMS. I am a diploma holder in Oracle, it is the requirement for the database handling that's why I had to fulfilled. I got a certificate for Oracle from a good institute recognized ITS Education Campus (Information Technology System).

I have been registered(1st year in 2002) as a Homoeopathic medical student at Pakistan Central Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital for Men. Soon I will become a good Homoeo doctor... Insha Allah.

Fazal Muhammad


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